Google Search Tips

How to find a definition of a word-
define: globalization
define: european union

How to find a US government source-
United Nations conflict site:gov

How to find a university source-
NATO conflict site:edu

How to find a source from a different country-
European union conflict site:eu
European union conflict site:nl        (This is the Netherlands)
European union conflict site:af          (This is Afghanistan)

Go to Wikipedia to get the complete list of country codes

How to search and leave out a site-
french revolution- wikipedia      (This shows all sites except Wikipedia)

How to search for a portable document format (pdf)-
apopo file:pdf

How to search for a powerpoint (ppt)-
filetype:ppt Shakespeare's Life

1 comment:

  1. These notes will be very helpful when I give my classes their own challenge this coming Friday! Thank you for sharing them.
