Global Issues and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Persuasive Research Paper
Globish 2019-2020
(Global Key Ideas: 10.8, 10.9, 10.10)
Purpose and Topic
Students today are expected to be able to read myriad nonfiction documents, determine their validity, draw conclusions and generate claims supported by textual evidence. You are also expected to be citizens of our beautiful Adirondack Park and the global community. This research project will meet all of those expectations allowing you to explore your personal interests on a global scale.
You will choose and research a current global issue along with a non–governmental organization (NGO) that is working to combat the global problem. Your paper will ultimately persuade your reader to donate to its cause. To successfully do this, your paper should explain the global issue thoroughly, the NGO’s purpose, how it tries to solve the problem(s), how it is currently helping others (or in the recent past), describe how it allocates its resources and determine to what extent the NGO is successful at combating the issue(s) identified. If you come across any controversial information on your NGO, you should also include that in your paper to be as transparent as possible to your reader. As always, you must use textual evidence to support your claims.
What is an NGO?
According to Non-Governmental, “[a] non-governmental organization (NGO) is any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group which is organized on a local, national or international level. Task-oriented and driven by people with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions, bring citizen concerns to Governments, advocate and monitor policies and encourage political participation through provision of information. Some are organized around specific issues, such as human rights, environment or health. They provide analysis and expertise, serve as early warning mechanisms and help monitor and implement international agreements. Their relationship with offices and agencies of the United Nations system differs depending on their goals, their venue and the mandate of a particular institution.”
According to Non-Governmental, “[a] non-governmental organization (NGO) is any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group which is organized on a local, national or international level. Task-oriented and driven by people with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions, bring citizen concerns to Governments, advocate and monitor policies and encourage political participation through provision of information. Some are organized around specific issues, such as human rights, environment or health. They provide analysis and expertise, serve as early warning mechanisms and help monitor and implement international agreements. Their relationship with offices and agencies of the United Nations system differs depending on their goals, their venue and the mandate of a particular institution.”
Schedule of Events
1. Explore the list of Global Issues from the United Nations page; read as much as you can about them to figure out which one you care about the most. You will use this one to focus your paper.
2. Choose two to three NGOs that are helping solve crises outside of North America that interest you and spend some time reading about each one.
3. Narrow your topic to one NGO for your paper; meet with Mr. Bosworth and Ms. Spicer to record your choice.
4. Write a list of questions you need to find the answers to in order to write this paper.
5. Using the internet, newspapers, school databases and books, read and compile the pertinent information and textual evidence about the NGO using the criteria above.
- NGO must use
- The New York Times - must use; you have free access
- Charity Navigator - must use
6. Print sources and record them in your NoodleTools account. Keep all information in your research folder.
7. Read, annotate and take Cornell notes from your sources using clear subtopics (we will review these) and the note sheets (hand written or in Google doc)
8. Complete quotation and explanation assignment
9. Write your outline using the Harvard format.
10. Type your completed first draft in a Google doc and share it with Mr. Bosworth and Ms. Spicer. This means it needs to include your quotations, in-text citations and Noodle Tools generated Works Cited page.
11. Peer edit and make changes.
12. Upload your paper to to check for inadvertently plagiarized material.
13. Read response.
14. Make final changes to your drafts with the Works Cited page.
Guidelines for the Final Paper
1. Please type your paper in size 12 with one-inch margins
2. Use at least four quotations
3. Properly cite four sources (minimum) See above for sources you must use.
4. Use NoodleTools to compile a Works Cited page
5. Use the Modern Language Association (MLA) format
6. Incorporate sophisticated vocabulary words from your SAT vocabulary lists
7. Use a semicolon
8. A well thought out paper needs to include detail. In order to present information to a person, you need to write as if they know nothing about your topic. As a result, your paper will not be accepted until you have developed all aspects of the research topics and meet three pages; your paper will not be reviewed and will be returned with a failing grade.
Plagiarized papers will receive a zero.
Helpful Links
The following link leads to the UN Global Issues, enduring issues, Overview page. This website allows you to explore global issues in brief as well as below the surface:
Lake Placid MS/HS Library database collection:
Books of interest to NonProfits:
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