Sophomore English: World Literature
Course Syllabus 2019-2020
Lake Placid High School
Ms. Amy Spicer
Welcome to Sophomore English!
This World Literature course follows the Common Core Standards for College and Career Readiness and the International Standards for Technology Education (ISTE). It will focus on developing your reading, writing, listening, speaking and language skills and using technology to empower you as a learner and digital citizen who will think, create, design and collaborate with others. Using these standards as a guide, we will study different types of literature from cultures around the world. We will read fiction and nonfiction pieces as well as literature written in other genres and use technology to engage and empower you.
We are a team, and I am on your side. I am excited to be your teacher this year and to get to know you all. I will do my best to help you succeed in this course, but you will also need to work hard, read and write, try new technology platforms, advocate for yourself and work with other students. I expect you to keep up with your work, participate in class, be prepared and keep an open mind. You can learn and achieve anything. Working hard and being kind to each other is very important. I look forward to having a positive and successful year with all of you.
Essential Question: How does the acquisition of power affect people's actions?
Course Objectives:
1. Students will study various world authors and their works.
2. Students will practice the writing process to write organized and coherent pieces of writing in different genres.
3. Students will expand their vocabulary and grammar skills and are expected to adopt these skills into their writing repertoire.
4. Students will continue to hone their nonfiction reading and writing skills and practice the accepted MLA format through the process of research projects and writing a major research paper.
5. Students will make connections between global history and their English studies; they will use this knowledge through several interdisciplinary projects in our Globish classes.
6. Students will choose and read at least five books outside of class and write/create/perform appropriate responses. One of the five books will be a nonfiction piece.
7. Students will practice their skills in elocution (public speaking) through individual and group presentations.
8. Students will become more comfortable using new technology platforms using the ISTE standards as a guide.
Classroom Policies
English Binder: All students need a three-ring binder for English materials. This binder must be in class every day, and the information will be used to prepare for your final exam in June. The binder should be organized and separated by each unit of study.
Homework: Homework is due at the beginning of the class (unless otherwise noted). Late homework will be accepted, but points will be taken off for each day it is late. I reserve the right to refuse homework after a period of time.
Quizzes: Students will complete quizzes.
Exams: You will have plenty of notice before major exams are given. I expect you to be present on the days of exams. I understand that sickness and other unforeseen events may occur that may keep you out of school. However, you are responsible for seeing me to set up an alternative time to take the exam. NOTE: Exams taken late are subject to change.
Assessment: Grades will be based upon your performance on writing assignments, exams, quizzes and homework. You will be graded on a point system. Each assignment and exam will be assigned a specific number of points that will be its weight. Your averages are determined by computing the points you received against the total possible points.
Communication: If you are going to be absent from class, please let me know ahead of time so that you can get the work/information you will be missing. You should see another student from your class or our blog to see what you missed ( If you have further questions, or if you need help, please send me an email: . Please follow the rules of standard, written English in your emails.
Class Conduct: We have a great deal of work to do this year without any time to be pulled of track by inappropriate behavior. In my room, you will treat each other, substitute teachers, guests, and me respectfully. We are all on the same team, and we will support each other this year. We are all unique individuals, and we will accept and support those differences. Be kind. This is your one and only warning. If your behavior does not follow these expectations, I will have you stay after class and/or school, and we will discuss it in private.
Cell Phones: You do not need your cell phones for class. Please keep them in your lockers. If you cannot follow these expectations, I will take your phone, and you can pick it up at the end of the day in the main office.
Dress Code: You are all expected to follow the school dress code as outlined in your handbook. If you are not within the code, I will ask you to go to the office.
Cheating: Cheating is the willful misrepresentation of any part or all of another’s work as one’s
own . . . Plagiarism in all of its forms is cheating. . . Students have an obligation to themselves and to their fellow students to uphold the integrity of their institution.
(State University of New York)
I expect you to do your own work in my class. Any cheating or plagiarism will result in a zero on the material, a referral to the office and a call to your parents. Integrity and character are more important than an unearned grade.
Student Engagement:
You are responsible for your experience in English 10. Life is about choices, and I hope you will choose to get all that you can out of our year together. If you decide to arrive prepared, participate and have a will to learn, you will. You can also decide to read new genres, learn new computer programs, create projects using platforms that are out of your comfort zone, etc…. I will be prepared for you every day, and I will be trying new activities/programs/lessons all year long. I am excited to get to know you and to learn from you as well!
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